Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy Friday good people

Forbes' pullout cover for the billionaires issue features Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Pete Petersen, Leon Black, Jon Bon Jovi (seated on the ground), Marc Benioff, David Rubenstein, Steve Case, Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen and Marc Andreessen

This morning as I’m starting my day I came across this cover of Forbes from …of which is the site that I have been following of late. And the reason I keep on going to this site is just to look for some inspiration just to kick my day off.
And today guess what this is what I saw...I have always been a fan of OPRAH everything about OPRAH just makes me feel like life can be so simple and yet complicated...She always knows what to say let alone change she keep on making to the people around the world. And let me confess I even thought at some point of having my own TV show, just before I chose to start a publication sometimes back. And I believe OPRAH has something to do with it.
In my house I have more than 300 copies of OPRAH magazines  and my husband keeps asking me when I’m I going to get rid of these issues of OPRAH magazine..And guess what I even to date have a 1st copy of OPRAH the one she is lounging on a bamboo chair with her light blue top.
I always feel like this woman has been part of my life and she has been a woman who taught me a lot about this world. She is the one who made me buy Elkhart tole book new earth …this woman made me watch movies and in general just inspired me so much and I wish nothing to her other than a long, good and blessed life.
As I’m including this cover on my vision board I reflect on giving myself a challenge by having a meaning to this life; having a purpose that speaks change and inspire many. This has nothing to do with how much these 13 great people worth but how much change they brought into this world. These are my teachers and there background and their hard work shows that all is possible as long as we put our mind to as long as we have a plan.
They had a plan and so we should.
Have a lovely weekend people and remember …
Love yourself and everyone else will.

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