Friday, August 10, 2012

Because I care

Thank God it is FRIDAY

How have you all been ,

I had a wonderful week , couple of down, low and challenging moments but all its been worth it. All this has been possible and bearable through the support of friends and family who were just there through a phone call or physically to cheer me up.

I'm one kind of a person that really respect and value friendship. And just to point it out I have been one of the few lucky ones who have friends that I truly care about ; and likewise they care for me. These are the people I will stop everything just to be beside them when I'm needed.

With time I learned to let go people who happen to be in my life with motive behind it , meaning the friends who are into my life expecting to benefit something out of our friendship or just any other expectations.

At this age you can imagine how many people happen to be part of my life as friends, buddies, acquaintances etc . I have had friends that we used to spend our time only at the bar drinking  (after work of-course). And to be clear nothing wrong with that only if there is more than just drinking>>, I have had friends who all they cared are for me to have the designer and expensive shoes and high quality hair extensions.And technically wanted me to fit there profile. And they keep forgetting I'm  an individual molded and custom made by GOD in my own special way just like everybody else.

But all said and done is that who I am to them , do they really know who Nandi is or  they know the Nandi who will support their idea of being at the bar and shopping for expensive stuff and who they want me to be.

Friendship should be more than that. 

Friendship should just be pure friendship , it should not be about competing with each other, Or talking each other down ; instead it should be about support and standing by each other.

There are people in a friendship circles today who they want all to be about them , and no one else should have a say whats so ever. And these are the people if they see you progress just a little as an individual they will fight you tooth and nail to make sure you stay where you are.

When I reflect on friendship and the people that I care I think of three key things :

No judgement

And guess what we only tolerate people that we love. And that's final

So as we are all going for the weekend , lets be a rock to one another  and support each other.

I'm going to do just that and with no regret at all as I'm doing it from the bottom of my heart.

Love you all

And have a blast this weekend

Love like you mean it
Dance like no one is watching 

Remember , give yourself a big HUG ((kisses) 

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