Thursday, July 5, 2012


Good Afternoon yo'all I really need a pick me up today. Since I woke up in the morning I have been feeling really down. I tried to hook up with friends as a way of finding a pick me up twist ... slowly I can feel that I'm getting back to normal. Back to my lagoon piece ...Lazy lagoon was a breeze of a fresh air, the beach was to clean and water very cold in the morning and warm during the day. I can’t think of a better place to compare with it at least in comparison to the places that i have been.
This is the place you can hear the sound of your feet, I mean a pin drop quite. The network is hard to come by, and this gives you a chance to think and connect with yourself or with whoever or whatever you are trying to connect with. I enjoyed morning walks with my partner and it was a long stretch for sure. As much as we severally attempted to reach the end of the road but we failed. Our afternoon were always amazing as we used this time to read books and have healthy discussion about life before we have lunch which was always on point. Afternoon nap was a mandatory as after a busy and lazy afternoon at that place, sleeping sounded like the best thing to do and we totally went for it.

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