Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Hi ya’ll

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, I certainly enjoyed mine and to the fullest if I may say so ((smile)). Over the weekend one of the things I spent some time on reflecting was on Dreams and Aspirations. I got to think about this as for this week in sitting in for my boss. Big shoes to fill but game on!
All in all that is not why I want to talk about dreams …
As I was growing up I first dreamt of becoming a teacher and I can clearly remember my primary teachers the like of Mrs.Makaranga, Mrs. Sabuni and so many other...
As the years passed on I moved from wanting to be a teacher to wanting to be in a beauty industry of which I made few attempts to make it a reality before I decided to move on to the next dream.
I was part of Miss Tanzania beauty contest running as well as Miss Malaika all these were fun and wonderful experiences and I have a special respect for those who tempted to walk on the ramp as I know for sure how hard that is.
While at that I did couple of fashion shows and then I decided that was it.
From there I found myself in a publishing industry and I worked for the 1st glossy magazine this country has ever had and there it is where I learned about the industry and eventually I launched my very own lifestyle magazine ((kudos).
While working for this amazing publication I also had a beauty column on a very famous tabloid with the highest readership in the country.
All these happened before I found myself in Hotel, then Advertising and later on Beverage Industry.
My point being; we all keep on dreaming and we will continue to do so until we pass on. Dreaming is the way of growing and progressing. As human and individual this is how we bring change into our personal choices and eventually life.
Who do I really want to be?  30+ years on this earth I feel like I’m yet to grow and perfect my choices in life, and as I’m growing I’m even more excited on finding out what the world has to offer... I can see ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES ahead of me.
I’m keeping my feet tight on the ground as I keep on realizing my dreams and getting ready for takeoff…

Have a lovely week and give yourself a big WARM HUG! Because you DESERVE IT!

And don’t stop dreaming!!


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