Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Just thinking Aloud

Hi there!

What a day!!!
I had a busy day for sure even trying to squeeze in sometime to blog as usual as im working on my writing skills.
I was just thinking early in the day ..that what really gives people a right to think that they have a  control over ones life. Is it that you have incouraged them to do that.
As individuals I believe we are molded and made in different ways and when people expect that you will change to there liking that is what I refer is controling.

A good example im not a loud person by nature , what really make you think that you will turn me to a loud person.

I like simple life , what do you think that you will do to change me to that flamboyant being you fancy me to become.

All I can say for today people , please lets grow up and let people be who they are and who they are meant to be.
And guess what I will love you and respect you for that.


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