Monday, July 9, 2012


Hi Y'all

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend; I had a good one with lots of memorable events that worth’s to be appreciated. I cried, I smiled, and I laughed …All tears and laugh of Joy.

I got a chance to rediscover myself and also a chance to re-think of my life and moreover to have a deeper meaning of my life and purpose to this planet. Always I try to be as conscious and content as possible; which allowed me to be aware of my surroundings and as well as people around me. This included being present when I talk to people that I personally care the most and put myself in their shoes.

This weekend, a close friend of mine really gave a new meaning of humanity and a meaning of friendship. A friend, who was not quick to make the conclusion of my story, instead listened while trying to make sense of my story and situation. And guess what, this is what my friend said “you have the support from me, if you need any help please shout any time”. I was humbled by this statement and truly this statement made me stronger.

At the same time I had a moment with my partner and I was sharing with him my fears and he made a statement that really stood in my head. This is what he said “we have each other, will get through this”. What a powerful and a strong statement which made me a better person and put me at peace that someone has got my back.

With all this, I took some time to really think about FRIENDSHIP

I have had so many people that I will not really call them friends but more of acquaintances; people that I know them through work or through friends. But we have never had a heart to heart or a chance to really take time to know each other.

As I’m in a journey of trying to understand and get a real meaning of who are real friends and what friends are for in a first place I will give my version of understanding.

 I think friend don’t judge that will be the first thing I will be looking in  friend, we must have some sort of commonality as of having some similarities in terms of our liking;  also the big one for me is a friend must be able to tell me as it is “ call a spade a spade”. I don’t need a friend who will be sugar coating things.

One of the reasons I don’t have many friends is that I have come across many who are not real and who always wanted me to fit in their liking or profile if you may like. And sometime they have some sort of expectation in terms of gain and once they get what they are looking for, they will get out of your life really fast.

Friendship is not about changing each other it’s about learning to adjust and accommodate each other; I have been applying the same matrix with few friends that I have.

I think friends should be able to stay strong for each other and encourage each other when required.

Again I can’t talk about friendship without mentioning tolerance – if your friends are not letting you be you and allowing you to be silly and crazy sometime, maybe is time to look for some new friends.

What have your friends done for you OR said to you that you this it is Amazing?

Wishing you a blessed WEEK


As per Google friends mean a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.

Friendship means, the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends or A relationship between friends.

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