Thursday, July 12, 2012


Hi y'all

Hope all of you are having a wonderful week so far. Mine has been hectic…With lots of up and down but in the end all is well and I’m greatful.

Today I want us to reflect on family, I grew up in a family of four a brother and two sisters. In my family I’m a last born. I grew up in a very happy home where we spent a lot of time together, eating together sharing our life and future dreams.

We always ate together sharing the same plate and using our hands, which always way a joy.
When I reflect this at this time and age I think we are missing a lot now days, as families are becoming apart because of what I may say life pressure.

I remember my two sisters who have already passed on May God rest there soul in peace. My sisters and I were very close; as a last born I used to be sent around to the shops to buy things be bread or a match box.

Now days we have house helpers who do almost everything for our kids. Of course I’m not against that; as long as much as our children are enjoying the life of having all put together for them, it is nice for them to be self reliant. We all know in this world we are all passing. Therefore we need to make sure our kids are able to be people of their own when God calls us.

My late mother was very good at that. She taught me all that I know about life. She taught me hardworking, respect, cooking etc. I was raised by a single mother and I give her a credit for raising 4 strong children of whom we grow up to love her so much. My mother always tried her best to give us the best life she could at that time and instilled strong family values in us.

At our home at any given time there were 3 or 4 members of extended family staying with us and at home we were all treated equal. This includes doing house chores and sharing of whatever God has provided for us on that day.

To date my brother and I are very close and whenever we have time, we will sit and have a good laugh talking about our mother and our late sisters; remembering old good days. My brother is a very good story teller and every time we meet; he will sure make me laugh so hard.

What I think we are losing now a days is the sense of closeness and not being able to be in touch with each other. And with TV's now days the family members of the same house will not have the privilege of sharing a good conversation as each one is swamped in a so called today's world entertainment. I call it a privilege because it is a rare thing to find.

The family not being able to share meals together let alone a plate as in a modern world each one will use their own plate which is excellent.

With all this happening you find that it is very difficult for people to know each other. As human we grow everyday and if you miss a moment of growth of a member of your family you might actually think that you are not staying with the same people you use to know.

The challenge I want us to give ourselves today is, how we are going to try not to lose each other in a family. In a family where we spend time asking each other on what’s for food on a text, or when a child wants to go out with his or her friends asks you through text. Do we think that is okay? Personally I don’t, I grow up seeing family stay together, share a good laugh and daily experience as that’s the ways we engage each other in a life journey.

What is your old family memory that you like to share??

Have a good one


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