Thursday, July 5, 2012


One of my first posts was on whether partners should or should not look at each other’s phone.
This debate came across when a friend of mine complained that his partner likes looking at his mobile phone.

That got me really thinking, when we look at our partners phones more often than not we expect to find something bad. We are looking for something to fight for …something to hold our partners against it for the rest of their lives. Therefore when all this start personally I will sense that there is definitely a trust issue. One must have given one a reason to do that or just because one is insecure therefore you always figure that there must be someone out there that chances are your partner is busy with. Or maybe one of your friends advised you to keep your eyes open and be a watchdog to your partner. And at that time we hardly think as what we might find might somehow break the partnership / relationship.

So that got me thinking as busy as the partners are busy on looking at each other’s phones what about the amount of people I/we refer as dear, luv, darling, sweetheart, mchumba and suppose my partner misunderstood all that what will happen exactly.

In today’s world people call each other names that do not mean exactly what is supposed to mean, here I refer to names I mentioned above.

I’m sure if you take a chance and look at your partner's phone chances are you will find at least one person referred as dear, luv etc
This is very common in corporate office whereby men will call ladies dear, sweetie ...and vis a vis and most of the time these names come across when one is asking for a favour or just because they are best of colleagues. This is as common as hugs)); there is so much hugging going on now a day’s comparing to let’s say 10 years ago. Back in the days hugs were mainly used for consolation or as sign of love and appreciation. I’m not anyhow against ((hugging)) don’t get me wrong, I love hugs ((smile)).

I’m just thinking aloud here, as close and as open minded people are becoming should really one be doubted or will that be enough to raise eyebrows and cause a mistrust issues in a relationship just by calling a colleague darling or sweetie in person or by mere sms /bbm or whatsapp or maybe be by hugging someone.

Just thinking aloud!!

Which names do you use to your friends / colleagues other than their real names (wink))???

Follow me on twitter @BrandNandi

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