Thursday, July 12, 2012


Dear Nandi

Today I know you are very lost and you actually don’t know what to do. But what I can tell you; all will sort itself out. You are a good person...Strong and very courageous and believe me God is with you.

All I’m asking you to do today my dear,  just put up that smile and raise those wide shoulders of yours stand tall and walk with you head high. You know why, because you are blessed with this life, you have one good and loving friend or maybe two, loving family and a job to put that plate of food on the table.

You are taking your children to the best school this country and Africa has to offer and that is BIG. You will be blessed for that.

Not all are able to do the wonderful things that you are doing. You stand by your friends, you don’t judge and guess what I doubt that people are offering half the love you are giving them; but you know that you love you and that is powerful.

So Nandi wipe up those tears and get moving as I know you can and you will.

I love you.


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