Friday, September 21, 2012

Girls wildest dream – The Most Luxurious Closets I have ever seen

It’s no secret that most ladies including myself, dream of the ultimate closet, be it for the whole enchilada of an entire wardrobe, or just a space dedicated to shoes.  Just for fun and to visualize this while believing that soon I will have one of my own ,here are some of the most fantastic — and hyper-organized, for that matter — and insanely luxurious closets I could find, from a few celebrity abodes to custom jobs to ready-made closet kits installable via a reputable interior decorator (or a very determined do-it-yourselfer.)  

Some of these wardrobe spaces are so immaculate and visually compelling, they could actually serve as a living room or lounge, and from the looks of the clothes inside of them, maybe they do; in rooms like these with fashion like this, getting ready for a big night out is likely a very special event in and of itself.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy Friday good people

Forbes' pullout cover for the billionaires issue features Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Pete Petersen, Leon Black, Jon Bon Jovi (seated on the ground), Marc Benioff, David Rubenstein, Steve Case, Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen and Marc Andreessen

This morning as I’m starting my day I came across this cover of Forbes from …of which is the site that I have been following of late. And the reason I keep on going to this site is just to look for some inspiration just to kick my day off.
And today guess what this is what I saw...I have always been a fan of OPRAH everything about OPRAH just makes me feel like life can be so simple and yet complicated...She always knows what to say let alone change she keep on making to the people around the world. And let me confess I even thought at some point of having my own TV show, just before I chose to start a publication sometimes back. And I believe OPRAH has something to do with it.
In my house I have more than 300 copies of OPRAH magazines  and my husband keeps asking me when I’m I going to get rid of these issues of OPRAH magazine..And guess what I even to date have a 1st copy of OPRAH the one she is lounging on a bamboo chair with her light blue top.
I always feel like this woman has been part of my life and she has been a woman who taught me a lot about this world. She is the one who made me buy Elkhart tole book new earth …this woman made me watch movies and in general just inspired me so much and I wish nothing to her other than a long, good and blessed life.
As I’m including this cover on my vision board I reflect on giving myself a challenge by having a meaning to this life; having a purpose that speaks change and inspire many. This has nothing to do with how much these 13 great people worth but how much change they brought into this world. These are my teachers and there background and their hard work shows that all is possible as long as we put our mind to as long as we have a plan.
They had a plan and so we should.
Have a lovely weekend people and remember …
Love yourself and everyone else will.

Vision board

Vision board

This place just makes my eyes pop!!

WOW what a month


Its been a while since I checked in ..and reason being I have just been terribly busy and with lots to get done.
But hey im glad the wind has passed and I can now continue with business as usual.

Im in a process of creating my vision board so i will be posting things that truly inspire and makes me smile at heart. ..I have been wanting to do this for a while now and this year I want to make it a reality and I believe you will all support me.

Happy ME


Friday, August 10, 2012

Because I care

Thank God it is FRIDAY

How have you all been ,

I had a wonderful week , couple of down, low and challenging moments but all its been worth it. All this has been possible and bearable through the support of friends and family who were just there through a phone call or physically to cheer me up.

I'm one kind of a person that really respect and value friendship. And just to point it out I have been one of the few lucky ones who have friends that I truly care about ; and likewise they care for me. These are the people I will stop everything just to be beside them when I'm needed.

With time I learned to let go people who happen to be in my life with motive behind it , meaning the friends who are into my life expecting to benefit something out of our friendship or just any other expectations.

At this age you can imagine how many people happen to be part of my life as friends, buddies, acquaintances etc . I have had friends that we used to spend our time only at the bar drinking  (after work of-course). And to be clear nothing wrong with that only if there is more than just drinking>>, I have had friends who all they cared are for me to have the designer and expensive shoes and high quality hair extensions.And technically wanted me to fit there profile. And they keep forgetting I'm  an individual molded and custom made by GOD in my own special way just like everybody else.

But all said and done is that who I am to them , do they really know who Nandi is or  they know the Nandi who will support their idea of being at the bar and shopping for expensive stuff and who they want me to be.

Friendship should be more than that. 

Friendship should just be pure friendship , it should not be about competing with each other, Or talking each other down ; instead it should be about support and standing by each other.

There are people in a friendship circles today who they want all to be about them , and no one else should have a say whats so ever. And these are the people if they see you progress just a little as an individual they will fight you tooth and nail to make sure you stay where you are.

When I reflect on friendship and the people that I care I think of three key things :

No judgement

And guess what we only tolerate people that we love. And that's final

So as we are all going for the weekend , lets be a rock to one another  and support each other.

I'm going to do just that and with no regret at all as I'm doing it from the bottom of my heart.

Love you all

And have a blast this weekend

Love like you mean it
Dance like no one is watching 

Remember , give yourself a big HUG ((kisses) 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Hi ya’ll

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend, I certainly enjoyed mine and to the fullest if I may say so ((smile)). Over the weekend one of the things I spent some time on reflecting was on Dreams and Aspirations. I got to think about this as for this week in sitting in for my boss. Big shoes to fill but game on!
All in all that is not why I want to talk about dreams …
As I was growing up I first dreamt of becoming a teacher and I can clearly remember my primary teachers the like of Mrs.Makaranga, Mrs. Sabuni and so many other...
As the years passed on I moved from wanting to be a teacher to wanting to be in a beauty industry of which I made few attempts to make it a reality before I decided to move on to the next dream.
I was part of Miss Tanzania beauty contest running as well as Miss Malaika all these were fun and wonderful experiences and I have a special respect for those who tempted to walk on the ramp as I know for sure how hard that is.
While at that I did couple of fashion shows and then I decided that was it.
From there I found myself in a publishing industry and I worked for the 1st glossy magazine this country has ever had and there it is where I learned about the industry and eventually I launched my very own lifestyle magazine ((kudos).
While working for this amazing publication I also had a beauty column on a very famous tabloid with the highest readership in the country.
All these happened before I found myself in Hotel, then Advertising and later on Beverage Industry.
My point being; we all keep on dreaming and we will continue to do so until we pass on. Dreaming is the way of growing and progressing. As human and individual this is how we bring change into our personal choices and eventually life.
Who do I really want to be?  30+ years on this earth I feel like I’m yet to grow and perfect my choices in life, and as I’m growing I’m even more excited on finding out what the world has to offer... I can see ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES ahead of me.
I’m keeping my feet tight on the ground as I keep on realizing my dreams and getting ready for takeoff…

Have a lovely week and give yourself a big WARM HUG! Because you DESERVE IT!

And don’t stop dreaming!!


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Just thinking Aloud

Hi there!

What a day!!!
I had a busy day for sure even trying to squeeze in sometime to blog as usual as im working on my writing skills.
I was just thinking early in the day ..that what really gives people a right to think that they have a  control over ones life. Is it that you have incouraged them to do that.
As individuals I believe we are molded and made in different ways and when people expect that you will change to there liking that is what I refer is controling.

A good example im not a loud person by nature , what really make you think that you will turn me to a loud person.

I like simple life , what do you think that you will do to change me to that flamboyant being you fancy me to become.

All I can say for today people , please lets grow up and let people be who they are and who they are meant to be.
And guess what I will love you and respect you for that.


Monday, July 23, 2012

What a weekend that was!

Today is one of those days that you actuallty feel like you are nott making progress. Well im not.
Anyway lets stop complaining and focus on the blessings of the lord above.

I had a wonderful weekend other than getting sick in the middle of last week.
im recovering nicely and im totally happy with the progress.

I attended couple of friends wedding and sendoff party and in both events I had a blast other than I had to shattle between events as both events were happening on the same day.

Spent my sunday with my toto who is supposedly having exams this week , can you imagine a 4 years old boy having an exam.
We'll we did couple of letter works and i was happy with the progress and im sure he will so make me proud today as he begin his exams.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Dear Nandi

Today I know you are very lost and you actually don’t know what to do. But what I can tell you; all will sort itself out. You are a good person...Strong and very courageous and believe me God is with you.

All I’m asking you to do today my dear,  just put up that smile and raise those wide shoulders of yours stand tall and walk with you head high. You know why, because you are blessed with this life, you have one good and loving friend or maybe two, loving family and a job to put that plate of food on the table.

You are taking your children to the best school this country and Africa has to offer and that is BIG. You will be blessed for that.

Not all are able to do the wonderful things that you are doing. You stand by your friends, you don’t judge and guess what I doubt that people are offering half the love you are giving them; but you know that you love you and that is powerful.

So Nandi wipe up those tears and get moving as I know you can and you will.

I love you.



Hi y'all

Hope all of you are having a wonderful week so far. Mine has been hectic…With lots of up and down but in the end all is well and I’m greatful.

Today I want us to reflect on family, I grew up in a family of four a brother and two sisters. In my family I’m a last born. I grew up in a very happy home where we spent a lot of time together, eating together sharing our life and future dreams.

We always ate together sharing the same plate and using our hands, which always way a joy.
When I reflect this at this time and age I think we are missing a lot now days, as families are becoming apart because of what I may say life pressure.

I remember my two sisters who have already passed on May God rest there soul in peace. My sisters and I were very close; as a last born I used to be sent around to the shops to buy things be bread or a match box.

Now days we have house helpers who do almost everything for our kids. Of course I’m not against that; as long as much as our children are enjoying the life of having all put together for them, it is nice for them to be self reliant. We all know in this world we are all passing. Therefore we need to make sure our kids are able to be people of their own when God calls us.

My late mother was very good at that. She taught me all that I know about life. She taught me hardworking, respect, cooking etc. I was raised by a single mother and I give her a credit for raising 4 strong children of whom we grow up to love her so much. My mother always tried her best to give us the best life she could at that time and instilled strong family values in us.

At our home at any given time there were 3 or 4 members of extended family staying with us and at home we were all treated equal. This includes doing house chores and sharing of whatever God has provided for us on that day.

To date my brother and I are very close and whenever we have time, we will sit and have a good laugh talking about our mother and our late sisters; remembering old good days. My brother is a very good story teller and every time we meet; he will sure make me laugh so hard.

What I think we are losing now a days is the sense of closeness and not being able to be in touch with each other. And with TV's now days the family members of the same house will not have the privilege of sharing a good conversation as each one is swamped in a so called today's world entertainment. I call it a privilege because it is a rare thing to find.

The family not being able to share meals together let alone a plate as in a modern world each one will use their own plate which is excellent.

With all this happening you find that it is very difficult for people to know each other. As human we grow everyday and if you miss a moment of growth of a member of your family you might actually think that you are not staying with the same people you use to know.

The challenge I want us to give ourselves today is, how we are going to try not to lose each other in a family. In a family where we spend time asking each other on what’s for food on a text, or when a child wants to go out with his or her friends asks you through text. Do we think that is okay? Personally I don’t, I grow up seeing family stay together, share a good laugh and daily experience as that’s the ways we engage each other in a life journey.

What is your old family memory that you like to share??

Have a good one


Monday, July 9, 2012


Hi Y'all

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend; I had a good one with lots of memorable events that worth’s to be appreciated. I cried, I smiled, and I laughed …All tears and laugh of Joy.

I got a chance to rediscover myself and also a chance to re-think of my life and moreover to have a deeper meaning of my life and purpose to this planet. Always I try to be as conscious and content as possible; which allowed me to be aware of my surroundings and as well as people around me. This included being present when I talk to people that I personally care the most and put myself in their shoes.

This weekend, a close friend of mine really gave a new meaning of humanity and a meaning of friendship. A friend, who was not quick to make the conclusion of my story, instead listened while trying to make sense of my story and situation. And guess what, this is what my friend said “you have the support from me, if you need any help please shout any time”. I was humbled by this statement and truly this statement made me stronger.

At the same time I had a moment with my partner and I was sharing with him my fears and he made a statement that really stood in my head. This is what he said “we have each other, will get through this”. What a powerful and a strong statement which made me a better person and put me at peace that someone has got my back.

With all this, I took some time to really think about FRIENDSHIP

I have had so many people that I will not really call them friends but more of acquaintances; people that I know them through work or through friends. But we have never had a heart to heart or a chance to really take time to know each other.

As I’m in a journey of trying to understand and get a real meaning of who are real friends and what friends are for in a first place I will give my version of understanding.

 I think friend don’t judge that will be the first thing I will be looking in  friend, we must have some sort of commonality as of having some similarities in terms of our liking;  also the big one for me is a friend must be able to tell me as it is “ call a spade a spade”. I don’t need a friend who will be sugar coating things.

One of the reasons I don’t have many friends is that I have come across many who are not real and who always wanted me to fit in their liking or profile if you may like. And sometime they have some sort of expectation in terms of gain and once they get what they are looking for, they will get out of your life really fast.

Friendship is not about changing each other it’s about learning to adjust and accommodate each other; I have been applying the same matrix with few friends that I have.

I think friends should be able to stay strong for each other and encourage each other when required.

Again I can’t talk about friendship without mentioning tolerance – if your friends are not letting you be you and allowing you to be silly and crazy sometime, maybe is time to look for some new friends.

What have your friends done for you OR said to you that you this it is Amazing?

Wishing you a blessed WEEK


As per Google friends mean a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations.

Friendship means, the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends or A relationship between friends.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


One of my first posts was on whether partners should or should not look at each other’s phone.
This debate came across when a friend of mine complained that his partner likes looking at his mobile phone.

That got me really thinking, when we look at our partners phones more often than not we expect to find something bad. We are looking for something to fight for …something to hold our partners against it for the rest of their lives. Therefore when all this start personally I will sense that there is definitely a trust issue. One must have given one a reason to do that or just because one is insecure therefore you always figure that there must be someone out there that chances are your partner is busy with. Or maybe one of your friends advised you to keep your eyes open and be a watchdog to your partner. And at that time we hardly think as what we might find might somehow break the partnership / relationship.

So that got me thinking as busy as the partners are busy on looking at each other’s phones what about the amount of people I/we refer as dear, luv, darling, sweetheart, mchumba and suppose my partner misunderstood all that what will happen exactly.

In today’s world people call each other names that do not mean exactly what is supposed to mean, here I refer to names I mentioned above.

I’m sure if you take a chance and look at your partner's phone chances are you will find at least one person referred as dear, luv etc
This is very common in corporate office whereby men will call ladies dear, sweetie ...and vis a vis and most of the time these names come across when one is asking for a favour or just because they are best of colleagues. This is as common as hugs)); there is so much hugging going on now a day’s comparing to let’s say 10 years ago. Back in the days hugs were mainly used for consolation or as sign of love and appreciation. I’m not anyhow against ((hugging)) don’t get me wrong, I love hugs ((smile)).

I’m just thinking aloud here, as close and as open minded people are becoming should really one be doubted or will that be enough to raise eyebrows and cause a mistrust issues in a relationship just by calling a colleague darling or sweetie in person or by mere sms /bbm or whatsapp or maybe be by hugging someone.

Just thinking aloud!!

Which names do you use to your friends / colleagues other than their real names (wink))???

Follow me on twitter @BrandNandi


One thing that I was very passionate about while I was at the Lazy Lagoon Island was the sunrise and the sunset. Watching the sun come up and going down was the best thing ever. Watching the sunset at the deck it was one thing I did religiously for the 4 days that I was there.

The beauty of the sunset is breathtaking. What strikes me the most is colour , the orangey and the red colours which I find very calming and relaxing. And when the sunset meets the ocean, the reflection that comes through the sea through my eyes...It is truly a beauty.


Good Afternoon yo'all I really need a pick me up today. Since I woke up in the morning I have been feeling really down. I tried to hook up with friends as a way of finding a pick me up twist ... slowly I can feel that I'm getting back to normal. Back to my lagoon piece ...Lazy lagoon was a breeze of a fresh air, the beach was to clean and water very cold in the morning and warm during the day. I can’t think of a better place to compare with it at least in comparison to the places that i have been.
This is the place you can hear the sound of your feet, I mean a pin drop quite. The network is hard to come by, and this gives you a chance to think and connect with yourself or with whoever or whatever you are trying to connect with. I enjoyed morning walks with my partner and it was a long stretch for sure. As much as we severally attempted to reach the end of the road but we failed. Our afternoon were always amazing as we used this time to read books and have healthy discussion about life before we have lunch which was always on point. Afternoon nap was a mandatory as after a busy and lazy afternoon at that place, sleeping sounded like the best thing to do and we totally went for it.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My footstep

Few days back I had a good time when I travelled to what i would like to call heaven of peace. This place is called Lazy Lagoon, the place is located at the area called Nzinga.

to be continued ....

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What am I greatful for today

what are you greatful for today.

In a world of mobile phones , bbm , whats app and as collegues and friends refer each other as darling , sweetie , baby ..should you really over react or worried as a someone in relationship.